Leather Wedge Award
Each year the Leather Wedge award is given to the player who is best able to manipulate the rules of golf to help to improve their scorecard.

Actions such as kicking the ball out of the bushes with your foot when nobody looking. Not counting a short missed putt because you were only mucking around. Dropping another ball where yours was lost without taking the relevant penalties and creative accounting (just not counting all of your shots.) These are just some of the many different ways that someone can earn a nomination for the title of Leather Wedge winner.
The leather wedge prize will be determined by an anonymous ballot with the person who receives the most votes from their peers being given the trophy.
Year | Player | Points |
2023 | Gerard MacIsaac | *16 Points |
2022 | Gerard MacIsaac | *24 Points |
2021 | Tony Grasso | *15 Points |
2020 | Brendan MacIsaac | *23 Points |
2019 | Brendan MacIsaac | *30 Points |
2018 | Tony Grasso | *39 Points |
2017 | Greg Breasley | *23 Points |
2016 | Tony Grasso | *21 Points |
2015 | Tony Grasso | *21 Points |
2014 | Tony Grasso JNR | *20 Points |
2013 | Tony Grasso JNR | *38 Points |
2012 | Tony Grasso JNR | *36 Points |
2011 | Gerard MacIsaac | 4 Votes |
2011 | Tony Grasso JNR | 5 Votes |
2010 | Gerard MacIsaac | 4 Votes |
#N/A | Mark Sfiligoj | 5 Votes |
2008 | Mark Sfiligoj | 4 Votes |
#N/A | Matt MacIsaac | 2 Votes Each |
#N/A | Darren Higgs | 3 Votes Each |
2006 | Matt MacIsaac | 5 Votes |
2005 | David Burns | 4 Votes |