Burnsie hitting Jess

Burnsie had an interesting first bash. He was playing to his usual form and his golf balls were flying around the course in any direction except where they were meant to go. After 9 holes young Jess who had come along to watch his buddy Matt MacIssac had figured out a pattern had emerged and that the best place to be when Burnsie was hitting was the middle of the fairway because most of his shots were dribbling along the ground and going off into the bushes. On the 10th hole Jess had ducked into the bushes to siphon the snake, but then realized that Burnsie was about to hit. By being in the tree’s when Burnsie was hitting meant that Jess was in the firing line so he ran towards the safety of the middle of the fairway. |
Suddenly, out of the blue “Smack” Burnsie hits one into the air and straight too. Jess dropped like a stone and didn’t move for at least 5 seconds. Initially the guys weren’t sure if the ball had hit him or if he had just feinted because he’d seen a good shot come off Burnsies club. However when he finally came to, it was obvious that he was in trouble (the ball hit him in the temple.) Jess’ face quickly blew up like a balloon, he looked like the elephant man and he was screaming to high heavens. Amazingly the ball didn’t kill him and to his credit Jess continued to watch the rest of the round before being rushed to hospital for X rays and a cat scan. Luckily he is OK but it was a close call. When it was evident that the ball had hit Jess in the head and he could be in real trouble the boys playing with him quickly responded and did the right thing. They called Burnsie’s wife who is a nurse to find out what is the right thing to do. The funny thing about it though was that when they explained what had transpired and asked her advice on what she thinks he should do. Her answer “Play the ball where it lies and there is no penalty, it just counts as a normal shot” was a little strange even if it was true.