Wood and Spoon Award

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During the season every players monthly finish position ranking is tracked and recorded to calculate their Wood & Spoon score. The wood & Spoon score is created by calculating the sum of all place rankings divided by the number of rounds played for the season.

For Example

eg. 87/11=7.91

Wood & Spoon Score

Games PlayedRankingJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov
Adam Cooper





The player who has qualified by playing a minimum of 7x rounds for the season and who has the highest or worst average place finish is awarded the Wood & Spoon Award.

YearPlayerAverage finish positions
2023Tom Thurecht21
2022Newell Richards21.5
2021Thomas Cooper21.5
2020Rick Turcinovic24.5
2019Brendan MacIsaac21.54
2018Brendan MacIsaac23.7
2017Mark Sfiligoj20.33
2016Newell Richards21.09
2015John Mea17
2014Greg Breasley18.14
2013Steve Powne15
2012Ben Nichol14.83
2011Dean Fitzpatrick16
2010Runar Steinecker18.49
#N/ARick Turcinovic15.88
2008Runar Steinecker15.5
#N/AGreg Breasley14.76
2006David Burns15.67